Happy Turkey Day!
Another magnificent window by E. Paul Lansdale. Catch it before it goes away!
Bijou Galleries is on Instagram
Against our better judgement, Bijou Galleries, now has an official Instagram channel. This is decidedly non-antique, but what we have found is that the best way for an antique store to thrive is to reluctantly embrace a few modern technologies (like electric light, etc.) So, with great fanfare, I am proud to announce our the […]
Happy New Year 2017!

In celebration of New Year 2017, Please enjoy our annual “Bright Shiny” window!
Leaf Peeping at the Bijou

The leaves on the trees are changing color a bit late this year, but not so at the Bijou. Here is a window for all you leaf-peepers!
Independence Day in Cold Spring
The Bijou is proud to participate in Cold Spring’s Independence Day 2016 celebrations with this marvelous window by Paul. For more information about this year’s parade, fireworks, music, and festivities, please see this poster produced by the Village of cold Spring. The music lineup at this year’s festivities includes the Slambovian Circus of Dreams and […]