Happy New Year 2017!

In celebration of New Year 2017, Please enjoy our annual “Bright Shiny” window!
Independence Day in Cold Spring
The Bijou is proud to participate in Cold Spring’s Independence Day 2016 celebrations with this marvelous window by Paul. For more information about this year’s parade, fireworks, music, and festivities, please see this poster produced by the Village of cold Spring. The music lineup at this year’s festivities includes the Slambovian Circus of Dreams and […]
Happy Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day from the Bijou to all the fathers out there. Sports memorabilia, fishing gear, vintage shaving equipment, and ties! What more could a father want?
Memorial Day welcomed at the Bijou

Please visit the Bijou to see our wonderful Memorial Day window. From Wikipedia: [Memorial Day] originated as Decoration Day after the American Civil War in 1868, when the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of Union veterans founded in Decatur, Illinois, established it as a time for the nation to decorate the graves of […]
Happy Mothers’ Day
Yellow flowers and upholstered chair say: “Happy Mothers’ Day!” April showers bring May flowers, and May showers bring even more flowers in late May. All the mothers out there… human, bird, chipmunk, deer, fox, raccoon, etc… enjoy this day and celebrate the miracle of life on Earth!
Happy New Year!
The Bijou Galleries, staff, and management wish you and yours a Happy New Year! May 2016 be full of wonderful antiques and collectibles!
Happy Thanksgiving from the Bijou!

Simple festive fabrics and the perennial Thanksgiving turkey platters say Gobble Gobble Gobble! The Bijou Galleries would also like to alert you to the French origins of the Thanksgiving holiday, lovingly described by Art Buchwald as le Jour de Merci Donnant [excerpted here]: Le Jour de Merci Donnant was first started by a group of Pilgrims ( Pelerins […]